Nasa Finds Water On Jupiter's Europa Moon
A latest Research comparing the ice sheets found in Greenland to those on the surface of 1 of Jupiter's moons, has suggested a potential spot for finding life out in the space!
Actually Europa is a moon of the giant planet Jupiter, covered in a huge ocean of frozen water.
An expert team from the Stanford University in America have examined frozen ridges invented on the surface of Europa moon, with similar features found on Greenland's ice sheets.
According to the scientist ridges may have formed in the same way, suggesting there are huge amounts of liquid water just under the frozen surface of Europa moon - and this water could be a good place to find life on Europa!
Experts have long suspected Europa as a good place to host life because of the saltwater ocean deep below the surface of the moon.
Now, they believe that if the ice ridges that appear on Europa formed in a same way to those in Greenland, then pockets of water may exist just under the frozen surface - and these would be a promising sign in the search for life beyond Earth.
The scientists say the pockets of water would circulate chemicals necessary for life from the icy shell down to the salty ocean far beneath.
Riley Culberg, lead author of the study, explained: "The presence of liquid water in the ice shell would suggest that exchange between the ocean and ice shell is common, which could be crucial for chemical cycling that would help support life.
"Shallow water in particular also means there might be easier targets for future space missions to image or sample that could at least preserve evidence of life without having to fully access the deep ocean."
Nasa's Europa Clipper mission, due to launch in 2024, will further investigate Europa and whether it has the right conditions suitable for life.
We would like to inform you the the main source of this information is (findings have been published in the journal Nature Communications).
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