Denmark Language

Denmark's European Scandinavian nation of is very small and southernmost of the Nordic countries. The Kingdom of Denmark comprises of two self- governing territories and mainland of Denmark, Faroe Islands and Greenland. The country of Denmark encompasses an area of 42,924 square kilometre and houses 5.7 million people.

Historically Denmark is a homogeneous country, but after the World War II, Denmark received immigrants from a large number of countries from across the world. In addition to the  persons arriving as dependants and the asylum seekers in Denmark, And for seeking jog and study opportunities a number of citizens of Western countries have arrived in Denmark. Approximately 88% of the country’s population are of Danish descent, and the rest are immigrants or descendants of the recent immigrants people to the country. And this ethnic composition of the population of Denmark has influenced the languages spoken within the country of Denmark.

What is the official language of Denmark?

Official Languages Of Denmark

The official language of the Kingdom of Denmark  is Danish and is spoken by a majority of the people those who are living in the country. Danish is also the Denmark's national language. It is spoken by about 6 million people and it is a North Germanic language, mainly Danes, and residents of Southern Schleswig in northern Germany also speak this language, where Danish has the status of a minority language. Danish language is also spoken by minor populations in other parts of the world like Canada, USA, Spain, Argentina, and Brazil. 15 percent to 20 percent of Greenland’s population also speak the language.

Official Regional Languages Of Denmark


Faroese is the another important minority language of Denmark. Residents of Faroe Islands speak Faroese language, a self-governing Danish territory. The language is  related to the Old Norse of the Scandinavian countries and related to Icelandic. Immigrants from the Faroe Islands to mainland Denmark also speak this language.


Greenland is the another self-governing territory of Denmark, Greenland territory hosts around the 54,000 Inuits who speak the Greenlandic language. Approximately 7,000 immigrants of Greenland to mainland Denmark also speak this language.

Minority And Foreign Languages Of Denmark

English (86 percent), German (47 percent), and Swedish are the main foreign languages spoken in the country of Denmark.

German: The German language is the official minority language of a section of residents of the Region of Southern Denmark which was formerly known as the South Jutland County. Before the signing of the Treaty of Versailles the region was part of Germany. Of the 15 thousand to 20 thousand ethnic Germans living in the region, about 8 thousand speak standard German or Low Saxon’s Schleswigsch variety in their day to day lives. This German minority population that is living in Denmark also run their own primary schools for their kids where German is the primary language of instruction. As of 2012, Denmark also hosted approximately 28,584 immigrants from the country of Germany who spoke the German language.

The English language is spoken by a large majority of Danes as their second language in the country. For Danes It is mandatory to learn English language in the Folkeskole. The language is taught compulsorily till the fifth grade and is an optional language after that. Swedish language is the third most spoken foreign language in Denmark with 13 percent of the population possessing knowledge of the Swedish language.

What Languages Are Spoken In Denmark?

Languages spoken in Denmark?

#1Official languagesDanish language
#2Regional languages(Officially recognised) Green landic Faroese 
#3Minority languagesGerman language
#4Foreign languagesEnglish (86%) German (47%) Swedish (13%)
#5Sign languagesDanish Sign Language


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