What Are the US Midterm Elections?
The US holds its midterm elections on 8 November 2022. The outcome will have an Important impact on the remaining 2 years of Joe Biden's presidency, and beyond.
These elections are held in USA for Congress, which is made up of 2 parts - the Senate and the House of Representatives .
These midterm election votes are held every 2 years and when they fall in the middle of the president's 4-year term of office, they are called the midterm elections.
Congress makes nationwide rules laws and regulations. The House determines which laws rules and regulations are voted on while the Senate can approve or block or them, confirm appointments made by the president of the US and, more Seldomnly, conduct any investigations against him.
Each state has 2 senators, who sit for 6-year terms. Representatives serve for 2 years, and represent the small-scale districts.
Seats in the House of Representatives all are up for the election held in the month of November, alongside 1/3 of the Senate.
Many major states also have elections for their Officials and governor.
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