11 unique customs from around the World
thing separate and that sets humans apart from other members of the animal
kingdom is our propensity to develop new customs and traditions around
everything from beauty rituals to sex habits. In fact, humans love doing this
so much that the world has been enriched with thousands of different cultures
since the dawn of civilization. No doubt, one important aspect of just about
any given culture is its code of etiquette. Here are 11 astonishing customs
from around the world.
Pointing with lips
in Nicaragua:
While gestures of the hand are often subject to customary variation across cultures, few can claim this phenomenon extends to contortions of the mouth. In Nicaragua, it is common to point with the lips instead of the index finger or thumb like the majority of the world. Wondering just how exactly a person points with their lips? It all starts by puckering up. Once a Nica has their duck face on, they can direct their lips forward or side to side to indicate what it is they’d like to point out. The lip point is typically used in conversation to indicate something that is happening nearby.
Kissing in France:
Pretty much for greeting every culture has specific rituals. Romance cultures and Latin American cultures share the common custom of kissing both close loved ones and new acquaintances on the cheek as a form of salutation. Yet, the French seem to take this to a whole new level with the number of nuances involved in their kissing rituals. For one, the rules vary for men and women. Secondly, the number of kisses required to complete the greeting changes from region to region. What’s more is that French people are expected to greet each person at a party or gathering upon arrival whether they know the attendees or not. This is only a brief overview of the customary kissing practices in France.
Spitting on the
bride at weddings in Greece:
Thanks to the 2002 film this practice was popularized, My Big
Fat Greek Wedding. Spitting in Greek cultures is a kind of good
luck charm that is supposed to help ward off the devil. Today, the custom
typically doesn’t involve guests hocking loogies at the newlywed bride.
Instead, it has evolved into a more symbolic act where guests mainly forcefully
utter “ftou ftou ftou.” Greeks do this at other special occasions too,
including baptisms in order to acknowledge the beauty and good health of the
baby. Spitting can even be done as a superstitious measure to ward off evil
during regular conversation.
September 12 is the
Day of Conception in Russia:
Cultures typically approach marriage, sex, and reproduction in
unique ways. Russia may take the cake on this in terms of institutionalized
acceptance, though. This is because the declining birth rates of the country
coupled with the unequal proportion of women to men and the alarmingly short life
spans of Russian men pose as serious concerns for the society. Therefore, the
government has instated a public holiday created solely to give couples time
off from work in order to have sex in the hopes that doing so will result in
pregnancy. Parents whose babies are born exactly nine months later can even win
prizes for helping to keep the Russian bloodline going.
Ground hog Day in
the U.S.A:
Many countries have rather strange holidays that commemorate
their distinct histories. While the United States is a rather new nation, it
has been around long enough to develop one odd holiday known as Groundhog Day.
Since 1887, on February 2, the nation waits patiently to see if the ground hog,
saw his shadow, Punxsutawney Phil. If he does, it means there will be six more
weeks of winter. Perhaps even more bizarre is the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club’s
Inner Circle of dedicated men who, according to tradition, tend to the
groundhog while dressed in black suits and top hats at the lighthearted
Groundhog Day ceremony each year.
in the U.S.A:
Instricate tipping
culture is another odd custom associated with the United States. Unlike many
other countries who don’t tip at all or who only tip in small amounts when the
food was particularly good, tipping is rather mandatory at most restaurants in
the U.S. In fact, it is expected that patrons leave between 10-20 percent of
the bill in tips. Wait staff rely on this gratuity for a living because legal
wages for waiters are low. Further, there are rules for tipping bartenders,
delivery people and other service personnel. While some criticize this practice
as irrational, there’s no doubt that tipping culture in the U.S. gives an
incentive for waiters and waitresses to provide better service.
Hanging out in
cemeteries in Denmark:
While cemeteries are the sites of spooky lore in many countries,
this is not so much the case in the ever so secular Denmark. Many people might
prefer to hang out in parks, but the Danes find it becoming to convert their
cemeteries into areas for socializing, a rather pragmatic use of space we might
add. These cemeteries are well manicured and teeming with locals when the
weather finally begins to warm up. Assistens Kirkegard in the
country’s capital, Copenhagen, provides a perfect example. Plus, you’ll be
hanging out in great company as many famed Danes are buried here, including
Hans Christian Andersen.
with the thumb in Malaysia:
Some countries find the act of pointing with the index finger to
be abrasive and rude. While members of most cultures would probably agree that
pointing fingers, both literally and figuratively isn’t exactly the nicest
thing in the world, in countries like Malaysia and Indonesia, this
gesture can be seen as incredibly offensive. Instead, it is customary to
gesture towards things with the thumb as this is seen as a more polite option.
In many countries in Africa, pointing is reserved for inanimate objects only,
not people.
Slurping in Japan
Most societies around the world have rules about table
etiquette. For western cultures, noisily consuming food is considered rude. In
Japan, however, making slurping sounds while eating has an entirely different
meaning. This might have something to do with the fact that in western
countries, noodles are properly consumed by twirling them on a spoon before
putting them in the mouth. Meanwhile, the Japanese simply slurp up their
noodles without contorting them first, an act that is naturally noisier than
the former. Making slurping sounds when eating noodles in Japan is a way of
indicating that you’re really enjoying them. Some scientists even argue
slurping invites air into the palate and actually enhances the noodles’ flavor.
prostrate or Kneeling as greeting in Nigeria:
For members of the Yoruba people, an ethnic group that largely
resides in Nigeria, greeting rituals are taken quite seriously. This is
especially true in regards to greeting elders. When an adult approaches, Yoruba
youths are expected to drop to their knees in greeting. More specifically,
women kneel when greeting, and men typically lie prostrate. These gestures are
a sign of respect and deference for the elders of the community. Interestingly,
this custom is one that distinguishes Yoruba peoples from other ethnic groups
in Nigeria, including the Bini and the Kalabari.
Using the left hand
for things:
In some countries, using the left hand for eating or other
activities is considered quite rude and insulting. Oftentimes, cultures in
these countries use the left hand for cleaning themselves after using the
toilet, and, therefore, it is considered dirty. This rule applies to several
places around the world including much of the Middle East, Sri Lanka, India and
parts of Africa. To be safe, always use your right hand for greeting, handling
merchandise, exchanging money, and, of course, eating while spending time in
any of these parts of the world.
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